In this article I will talk about my first ever attempt on making a Habanero Mango Sauce.
Sunlight is the key
Having a balcony facing south has its own pros and cons.
One of the pros is the sunlight: in fact throughout the year we have a very bright balcony and living room.
One of the cons is the heat in summer, but habanero loves it.
One of our passions is to grow green of every kind. Mint, basil, rosemary, and chilly.

Here how I organized my GARDEN
This season we planted Habanero chili and Woooooow they are very spicy.
Do you like spicy food?
Once they are ready I cut and dry them, and sometimes use them in the sauce. One time I just cut half a habanero and put it into amatriciana sauce… Eva couldn’t even finish her plate.
Because I have a lot of them I thought why not make it into a sauce?
Preparing the salsa
Here I started to watch dozens of YouTube videos on how to make a habanero sauce and I got really confused.
That should be normal because everyone does it in a different way.
Some people boil the chili, others put them in the oven and others grill them.

I choose to grill them, of course.
Also had garlic and onion and I cooked them together for 20 minutes before adding the mango.
I really like Mango, and I think it is a good match with pretty much every food.
Then I added olive oil, sugar and half a cup of apple vinegar.
I mixed them all up and I decided to test them. I put my pinky on the top of the mixer and then on the top of my tongue.
Booooooom Mmm oooooooooo
I felt like an acid spider was crawling rapidly from the top of my tongue to the bottom!!!
It was pure FIRE!
Adding more and more vinegar until it was actually possible to put it in the mouth.
Eventually I made it, and I tried right away on my sandwich and it was perfect.

I had fun trying to make my own sauce even though I risked my tongue’s life a couple of times.
Maybe it wasn’t the smartest idea to stress my stomach so much after a week of feeling sick. But you know, I’m leaving my life on the edge…
Also I put 19 hot habanero and I had to cool them down with almost a litre of vinegar so it tasted very much like a vinegar sauce. So my suggestion for a balanced sauce is.
- 10 Habaneros
- 1 cup of apple vinaigrette
- 3 teaspoons of olives oil
- White sugar
- And whatever other veggies or fruits you want.
I saw a recipe with mango, pineapple, strawberry and more.