Dear friend, it’s March and finally spring and positive thoughts are sprouting.
since last December I started working and I tell you my friend, it is a gooooood feeling. It’s a great daily routine and it’s a beautiful feeling when money finally comes in.
It’s like oxygen for your lungs. As much you earn, as much you want to do. Incredible!
Anyway, all I’m trying to say is that work is going great, colleagues are great and life, in general, is finally smiling back.
Nothing like the last August 2020…
Plus I love sales, (it’s all about the cheese).
Can’t really complain atm, because both of us are working and getting stables income, and like any other couple we have goals.
Lately I’m chasing two of them.
Numero Uno:
I’m officially going to Spanish lessons. Yes, I found a good Spanish school just two blocks away from where I live. It costs 126Euro for 16hours of lessons/month.
There was an option to follow this course online but I thought: I already spend all day in front of a computer, after work I just want to have a “Human” interaction. Something that Zoom can’t replay.
We are a small class with 5 other people from Morocco, Austria, Czech Republic, Uk, and Germany.
It’s a fine group and we all get along.
Here the link for the Spanish School.
Numero Dos, we are getting our own place.
Fuck yeah, it’s time.
We found our PERFECT place.
I tell you: Top floor, refurbished flat, bathroom, two-bedroom and a terrace. Even a better price of what we set, and an incredible view over the city.
Yes, yes right, you that are reading this article are officially invited to our place when finally can come to visit Barcelona.
These are the latest news, from the the beginning of 2021.
Do it
Actually have a personal challenge: I would like to write a weekly article on what’s going on in our life.
I want to be honest here, I’m starting to lose interest in typing, and don’t know anymore if I like it or should quit the blog.
So the only way to re-discover the love for typing I probably to type more and more constantly.
Please let me know if you think is something that I should keep doing it.
I just need a “Do it”, and I will try with my first challenge for a month.
Four article, once a week. Setting my bar low, because I know it’s only about beginning.
Summer is coming.
Other then that I feel extremely positive lately:
the good season is coming, the vaccine is finally kicking hard and this FUCKING Corona is hopefully living us forever. I’m slowly learning Spanish, we get a new place, I like my job.
In 2020/2021 I think it’s a positive.
With Love, Fabri.
March, springs and positive thoughts. March, springs and positive thoughts