First post from our new flat.
And that the WOW introduction for this post. Here I will talk about moving, how why we decided to have our own place and more…
Music to suggest to read this article is here:
Let’s step back in time.
When we moved to Barcelona, it was our idea to share the apartment, because we were new in town with just a few friends.
After Australia, Ireland and a little bit everywhere around the world, we believed that shared flats are probably the best way to get you started in a new town.
In fact good flatmates will give you hints and tips on where and how to get things done quickly.
They are amazing.

So why did you decide to go have no flatmate?
Share is excellent, but as old as you become, less patient you have.
During the first few years of house sharing you are ok with everything and almost everyone.
With no previous experiences, with what your parents told you, and personal fear, sharing house with strangers is a “Very scary thing” to do…
Mentally you are ready to go to sleep in the trenches… but then it is a bunch of fun!!!
And with age you get sick and tired of chasing people to do their cleaning, respect your privacy ect…
You do your math and discover that to have your own place it’s just a little bit more pricey of what you are paying at the moment.
“It’s a value added to your own life.”
Your own vibes, your own level of “Clean”, and literally you can walk around naked…
Moving house isn’t cheap. Infact, just to “Step in” we are giving between 3/4000Euro.
Think about it, they want to have two months of rent as bond, one month as agency fee aaandddd the first month of rent.
Without thinking about all the moving expenses if you want to rent a van, new internet installation and other expenses.
Lucky we are both working.
Moving can be a very hard thing to do but lucky us, we don’t have furniture to move.
With J, Carolina, and Agnese’s help and car, we were able to move things from one house to the other in a couple of hours.
Think that packing is easy, in fact you have just put things inside the boxes and get the job done.
My personal suggestion is to throw away things that during last year you didn’t use, trust me you’re gonna have lighter boxes.
Throwing old things away, it gives me a nice feeling inside.
The hard part however is to unpack, because you have to find a new location for your things, and most of the time, she decides where things go…

How’s the new house?
The flat is very bright, it might be the brightest flat that I ever lived in. We are facing east, south, so we have direct sunlight for the most part of the day.
I guess in summer it can be very warm.
We have a lot of furniture included in the apartment, maybe too many just for us two. The flat previously was in the hand of the owner’s daughter and for this reason, is in very good condition.
I’m happily impressed, but…
Of course there is a but, because the water in the sink isn’t going down. We tried all the chemical products available but nothing. On Monday we will have to talk to the agency agent to find a solution.
Other than this little problem, the house is very nice and we feel blessed!
Nothing like this 2 post on:
For now it’s all, I’ll talk to you next week! Ciao!