Over this article I will talk about my choice to have dry month from alcohol, for this reason I will call it DRY November.
Not much to tell you about it, it’s exactly how it’s sound: a proper torture.
Why Dry November
I wanted to do it for few reasons: to test my self, to recover from the Barcelona night life and of course to peace my self in preparation of the month of December where every day there is a celebration.
After work drinks.
Last Friday night I had a little test, with my colleagues after work.
In fact while Quentin, Alex and Rakan were having one or two beers, I had an incredible bottle of VICHY CATALAN, an beautiful sparkling water.

Everything went smooth.
No Alcohol, No Party ?
Last night, Saturday night, I was at the 30s birthday of my frined Giuseppe, flatmate of my other friend Giulio.
Despite the fact that everyone asked me, why I’m not drinking, everything ran as usual.
I was surprise how the party went, and how the alcohol was a proper social diluent.
When we arrived in this party on a rooftop terrace in city centre Barcelona, there was already about 20 people. All of them had a drink in their hands.

The dynamic of a party from a sober point of view.
During the first two hours, it was a people studying party.
You know everyone arrives with their attitude, with their thoughts and of course they feel more comfortable with people that they knows already. So you don’t feel that awkward silence, when you don’t know what to say.
In a sober conversation where I’ve just met you, we’ve been trying to find some common ground, but nothing.
As a persons, WE DONT CLICK!!!
But guess what, with alcohol you cover that awkward silence, asking further questions that probability you don’t even care!
And it works perfectly.
How many times did you wake up in hangover a morning thinking: How many bullshit did I spit last night? I got plenty.
Putting a side my sociology study, the party was pretty lit and I had the same amount of fun with my friends.
It was also my first ever time to go to a party and be complete sober from the beginning to the end.
We also came back home quite early, and this morning I typed this article.
Let me know down below in the comments if you share the same ideas as me.